Thursday, December 18

One Wish

Watching my mama go through physical pain is heart wrenching. I would take her place in the blink of an eye-

Dear friends of mine....please pray for a fast recovery.



MoonDog said...

what happened to your mom? wishing her speedy recovery whatever is going on.

mamabird said...

She had hip replacement surgery. She was in a car accident quite some time ago in which a couple of vertebre were crushed? SO the pain is mostly in her back:(
I don't think I've ever seen her in so much pain-
We did purchase a chair this afternoon which will allow her to sleep in a reclined position as opposed to flat on her back.

Thanks for inviting Al along today! She needed to get away. She is SO worried about Grandma....

MoonDog said...

hope al had fun with the kids. My dad had his hips replaced three times.she will be up and about soon and feeling better. my dad even drove himself home from the VA hospital in the cities after the last one.